Soul Glow Activatur Leaves FF5!

In a breaking news story....I'm just kidding, but it really is serious. Solomon Olds aka Soul Glow Activatur has given up his role as lead singer for Family Force Five. The new lead singer is his brother Jacob Olds who is known as Crouton. Also the band has received a new member Teddy Boldt otherwise known as Hollywood. He will be the band's drummer. Soul Glow left to pursue new creative opportunities. Below you can watch his farewell video and read what the band has to say. This is what the band said about the whole event on their blog. Thank you Soul Glow "As a family that has played together and prayed together for countless years, we know that our fans expect Family Force 5 to continuously evolve. It is out of respect to that encouraging sentiment that we will be making changes in the line-up of Family Force 5. As of today, Solomon will be coming off the road, and Jacob will be transitioning into the po...