Superchic[k] Leaving Lifest

Sadly, Superchic[k] will not be performing at Lifest this year. Here is what they have to say:

"Following the announcement of their cancelled appearance at Lifest, the band Superchick, sent us this letter to share with you. They are one class act. Please keep them in prayer...

Dear Lifest,
We are incredibly sorry to not be joining you this year.  We've done lots of shows over the years but the first Lifest is one of my life's touchstones.  It was our first real show and despite no one knowing who we were and a last minute schedule change that wasn't in the program, thousands of you came and showed us what was possible for a little band from IL.  Matt's mother told me that after that show, Matt and Ben walked around with a grin on their face for an entire week.  For us that show was the beginning of an incredible journey and we were privileged to have you there. 
Sadly this year, instead of joining you we are going to have to ask you for your prayers.  Due to complications in the pregnancy, Matt's little girl came into this world at 27 weeks via an emergency c-section.  It's very risky that early and Matt and his wife and baby are going to be spending a lot of time at the NICU for the next few months.  She's very tiny and she needs all the help she can get.  
Superchick was never about the people in the band, it's about what is possible when you put yourself out there and try to change the world.  It's time for us to stop touring for a season, but we know that you are all potential world changers and we look forward to hearing the music you make and seeing the ripples of the lives you lead.   Don't ever forget that God created you with a purpose and a mission and the ability to rise above it all and do what you were meant to do.
In his grace
Max and team Supercick"


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