Colton Dixon Got Married???????

The Official Wedding Photo

I swear not all my posts are going to be about marriage and engagements, but come on! When did everyone in the music industry grow up? It seems like just yesterday like Colton Dixon became a rising star. Well, it seems that on Friday he married the lovely Annie Coggeshall. I applaud them as well, but man: Where does the time go?

Today, the two embarked on their honeymoon in Tahiti. I wish them the best of luck in marriage. May the force, er, I mean, God be with them. :)

Be sure to follow Colton on Twitter @coltondixon. You can also follow them on Instagram! Colton's is @coltondixonmusic and Annie's is @anniecog

Here are some photos of the two angels:

This is a photo from Colton's Bachelor Party. 

This is a photo of Annie and her friends on the way to her Bridal Shower. 

Some wedding dress options.
A beautiful moment, from a beautiful night.

And now some very sweet pictures of the two! 

This black and white image is them on their honeymoon! 


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