My Stolen Photo

Hello, All,

This is a bit of a rant post. I wanted to put this off for a while, but I feel that I can no longer hide this issue in the back of my mind. About a week ago, the Newsboys official Twitter account posted an image of lead guitarist Jody Davis playing guitar onstage. On the image, it said "Terry Naughton, All Rights Reserved." The image also had the caption "Newsboys: New Single 'Guilty.'" When I saw the image, I was amused because it looked very similar to a photograph that I had taken at Winter Jam a few years ago. I pulled up my image on my Flickr page to show my younger sister the similarities between the images. Well, it was I who was in for a 'treat.' They were the SAME image. I noticed that in the image that the Newsboys posted had some slight differences than my photo, but that these slight differences were the product of some bad photoshop. My photo had been taken by this Terry Naughton and passed off as his. I have contacted the Newsboys, but they are not saying anything on this very important issue. I felt that I should tell you guys about this because someone needs to hear it. I am posting the images below so you guys can decide for yourselves. Was my photo mercilessly stolen like I think it was or am I a victim of The Twilight Zone?

The background in "Terry's" photo has been smoothed out to remove specific details. You can see though where the lights used to be. The lights that have been mostly removed are in the same place where my photo's lights are. The long string of lights is curved in "Terry's" photo, but that is due to the photoshopping/smoothing of the background. Also, if you zoom in on "Terry's" photo you can see where the guitar strap meets the guitar is missing the little knob to secure the strap in place. This has obviously been photoshopped out. The guitar has to connect to the strap somehow. Plus, the guitars in the two photos are definitely the same and in my photo the knob is there. Lastly, Terry has photoshopped Jody's shirt to make it look different than mine. Sadly, on his part, this only proves it is the same photo. The two shirts have the exact same design. Even with most of the black, obviously removed in an editing program, you can still tell it is the SAME shirt.


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